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Test #133 on by Ronny Kohavi   Dec 13, 2017 Desktop Mobile Listing

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #133 On

In 2012 a Microsoft employee working on Bing had an idea about changing the way the search engine displayed ad headlines. Developing it wouldn’t require much effort—just a few days of an engineer’s time—but it was one of hundreds of ideas proposed, and the program managers deemed it a low priority. So it languished for more than six months, until an engineer, who saw that the cost of writing the code for it would be small, launched a simple online controlled experiment—an A/B test—to assess its impact. Within hours the new headline variation was producing abnormally high revenue, triggering a “too good to be true” alert.

HBR, September–October 2017 Issue,

Note: This experiment was a solid success and replicated multiple times over a period of months. It worked at Bing and had a profound influence. The only reason why we atributed a 0.25 point (a "Maybe") was because we don't have the exact sample size and conversion data.


Test #132 on by Phillip Barnes   Dec 12, 2017 Mobile Home & Landing

Phillip Barnes Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #132 On

In this test, a footer with a button to a lead form was turned into a floating one.

Test #130 on by Niels Hapke   Dec 07, 2017 Desktop Pricing

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #17: Least Or Most Expensive First In Test #130 On

In this experiment, the plans were sorted by the most expensive first, left to right (variation).

Test #118 on Akademiafotografii.p... by Grzegorz Jancewicz   Oct 01, 2017 Desktop Product

Grzegorz Jancewicz Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #118 On Akademiafotografii.p...

The only change in this test was the way links were opened on this course listings page. Variation A opened links in the same window, and variation B opened them in a new tab (and focusing on the newly opened screen).