Etsy A/B Tests 5 Vs 4 Listing Tiles

Leak #83 from   |   Jul 7, 2022 Listing

Etsy continues to run interesting and highly isolated layout experiments on their product listing pages. This time around they tested 5 product tiles per row against 4 tiles. With their product listing tiles expanding in size, this is essentially is an inverse of the condensed layout pattern. And with the 4 tiles version now implemented, we'll count this as evidence towards the expanded state.

A - Apr 26, 2022 Screenshot
IMPLEMENTED Confirmed Jul 7, 2022
B - Apr 26, 2022 Screenshot

Highlighted UI Changes From This Leak

  1. Larger Tiles

    Here we can see the 5 vs 4 product tiles per row.

    -0.5 Repeatability has been assigned to Pattern #102: Expanded Or Condensed Layout as evidence that it's getting worse

    Repeatability is a net count of evidence for or against a pattern. It’s how we can predict which patterns are better than others. :)

The Page Became Longer As Well

We also managed to capture the full page desktop screenshots. Here we can clearly see that the number of title stayed the same. As a result of increasing the size of the tiles, of course the page length also increased.

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